Too Tall Houses

Gianna Marino’s beautifully illustrated book Too Tall Houses (Viking 2012) tells the story of Rabbit and Owl who are neighbors and good friends. But one day their harmony goes awry and what unfolds and eventually falls down is the result of unhealthy competitiveness. Young readers will enjoy their antics to compete because they are extreme and ridiculous. I think the ability to laugh at Rabbit and Owl’s foolishness will allow children to see the underlying problem and solution clearly.

This is another good book to promote a conversation with a young reader and their adult about parallel examples in their own lives and the best way to handle them. Repeat readings can be enhance these conversations because of the wonderful details in the illustrations. What is that look in Rabbit’s eye? What does it mean? Have you ever felt the same? There was a time when I…

Too Tall Houses is one of those books whose simple story belies a deeper and important message. The kind of books I call brilliant. And, the ending is super sweet. I hope you will check it out.

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